How You Can Lower Your Belly in Men in 3 Steps!

Lower Your Belly in Men.

The fat in the belly of men is caused by two different types of fats in the body. The first type is visceral fat, which is a layer of fat that forms below the abdominals. The second type are simple fat cells that form on the upper abdominal muscles.

Lower Your Belly in Men
Lower Your Belly in Men

Most men have a bit of both, which means that simple exercise will not do much to tone the abdomen. To reduce belly fat you should adopt a dual approach to check your lifestyle

Steps to lower belly!

1- Reduce calorie consumption. You have to burn 3,500 calories to lose one pound of fat. Record your calorie intake for three days before starting a diet. Add up the calories you consume each day separately and you should have an idea of ​​the calories you consume on an average day.

Cut 500 calories from your daily sum and you'll lose one pound a week. The average man should consume 1,700 calories a day.

2- Start a cardiovascular routine. Cardiovascular exercises will help you burn fat throughout your body and improve cardiovascular health.

This is important not only for the benefits of weight loss, but excess abdominal fat increases the risk of heart disease.

Some cardiovascular exercises you can do are jogging and running, cycling or stationary cycling and skating. All these exercises burn fat all over the body and will take you one step closer to lowering your belly.

3. Train the muscles of the base and muscles in the upper body. Strengthening these muscles will help to reduce fat in the belly.

You can perform the following exercise:

Lie face down on your forearms with your palms facing the ground. Bend your toes and push off the plant, this will lift the whole body up in a straight line. Hold this position for 15 to 20 seconds, keeping your back straight and your abs flexed. Release it and slowly lower to the ground. Repeat this exercise three to five times a day, five days a week.


Reducing your calorie intake in excess can cause weakness. Never consume less than the recommended minimum calorie intake.

Starting any exercise program can cause strain on your muscles, never go beyond your comfort level to prevent you from damaging your muscles.

Do not forget!

Read my review of the program that helped me burn fat in my body in just 2 weeks!

Also see the testimony of people who managed to lose weight thanks to this Program.
lower belly fat men's health, lower belly pain in males.

lower stomach exercises men's health

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