Atkins Diet Plan | What You Should Not Eat At The Atkins Diet!

Atkins Diet Plan.

The Atkins diet consists of four phases: Induction, Progressive Weight Loss, Pre-Maintenance and Lifetime Maintenance. The diet focuses on consuming low levels of carbohydrates, sugars and trans fats, while consuming high levels of protein and fat. Regardless of what stage you are in, there are certain foods that are not allowed.

Atkins Diet Plan
Atkins Diet Plan

Refined carbohydrates.

White rice, white flour and pasta are examples of refined carbohydrates. These foods contain almost no nutritional value, and can become body fat. In addition, they have a negative effect on blood sugar levels.

Meats that have been Premarinated.

A sugar solution is often used to refill the meats. Your best bet is to make your own marinade.

Regardless of whether it is regular or sugar free, this is a no-no in Atkins. Both contain corn syrup (sugar) as well as coconut and palm oils, which have trans fats. Instead, try to whip cream and substitute sugar with low-calorie sweeteners.

Coffee cream.

These usually contain sugar and trans fats (in the form of partially hydrogenated soybeans and / or cottonseed oil). Even sugar-free varieties have dextrose in them. If you do not like black coffee, try using Atkins vanilla milkshake. This will sweeten and cream your coffee.

Sugar free sweets.

The fact that the candy is sugar free, it is not good to have them in the Atkins diet as they contain carbohydrates. In addition, the sugar alcohols in them can cause swelling and gas.

Grated cheese.

The sugar is often added to the grated cheese to prevent it from sticking. Instead, buy a block of cheese and grind it as needed.

Commercial salad dressings.

Most contain high amounts of sugar, such as balsamic vinegar.

Many sauces.

The barbecue sauce, tomato sauce and commercial sauces like teriyaki are loaded with sugar. There are some sugar-free and low-carbohydrate varieties, or you can make your own sauce.

These are the foods and condiments you should avoid to make the Atkins diet. But there is also a complete program with a list of nutritional and healthy foods that you can combine in the program that helped me lose weight fast!

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atkins diet plan and recipes

Atkins Diet | How The ATKINS Diet Is Done!

Atkins Diet.

The Atkins diet is one in which you consume low-carbohydrate foods. Developed by Dr. Robert Atkins.

Atkins Diet
Atkins Diet

Dr. Atkins published a series of books on his application and the success of his diet. According to Dr. Atkins, diet changes metabolism by accelerating more frequently than other diets, since the body focuses on burning less fuel and more fat. So, you lose fat and you lose weight, which also helps your heart health.

The Atkins diet is a fairly simple plan, but the reality is that the ability to follow the plan is what will help you. Follow this diet to lose weight.

How to Make the Atkins Diet?.

1- Phase of induction: This phase is done in the first 2 weeks that you started with the diet.

It consists of cutting in 20 grams of carbohydrates that causes a state of "shocks" in your body burning fat due to lack of carbohydrates. During this stage, eat only meats, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, cheeses, butter, vegetable oil and green salad.

Take 8 glasses of water daily, avoid alcohol and start taking a multivitamin.

2- Consume induction vegetables in greater amounts after the first 2 weeks.

This stage is for progressive weight loss. It lasts 9 weeks, and a different food or food group is added each week. This phase should be done as follows:

* Induction of acceptable vegetables in larger quantities at week 3.
* Fresh cheese in week 4.
* Nuts and seeds at week 5.
* Berries in week 6.
* Alcohol at week 7 (you can skip if necessary).
* Legumes in week 8.
* Other fruits at week 9.
* Vegetables with starch at week 10.
* Whole grains in week 11.

3- The pre-maintenance phase begins at week 12. At this stage, the amount of carbohydrates increases by about 100 calories per week until you notice a change in your weight, then return to 100 calories. Here you will be looking for "the turning point", that is, the amount of carbohydrates you can consume and maintain your weight.

This phase can last for several weeks until you find the exact point.

4- In this phase the maintenance of life begins after discovery your "point of inflection". Continue to choose healthy foods and keep the carbohydrates you consume.

This phase continues for the rest of your life as you continue to use the Atkins diet to eat and maintain a healthy weight.

This diet and many more fast methods to lose weight you will find in the program that will help to burn fat in only 2 weeks !!!.

atkins diet plan, atkins diet pros and cons

atkins diet advantages and disadvantages

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