How to Balance a Low Calorie Diet | Low Calorie Diet for Weight Loss!

Low Calorie Diet.

To improve your diet, evaluate the foods you eat regularly. Keep healthy foods in your diet and healthy alternatives as substitutes for foods that are not providing nutritional value.

Low Calorie Diet
Low Calorie Diet

Eat a diet rich in all the necessary nutrients (vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, complex carbohydrates and fiber), and decreases unhealthy ingredients. Do not overload your body with calories.

How to do a low calorie diet?.

1- On a piece of paper, draw a table containing nine columns and 20 rows. Label the rows: Food, Serving Size, Vitamins / Minerals, Proteins, "good" (polyunsaturated) fats, fiber, glycemic index of value, and disadvantages (high sugar, sodium or saturated fat).

2- Compile a list of your 20 favorite foods.

3- Look for the nutritional information of each food in the list and complete the information in each column.

4- Investigate the value of the glycemic index in your food. The lower the value, the better.

5- Mark with OK the foods you eat and that provide the highest nutritional value, which contain a high content of nutrients and few calories. And mark with an X the foods that offer you a lower nutritional value. Mark with a B the foods that are on the limit.

6- Explore the possibility of replacing foods with healthier alternatives to foods that contain less nutrients.

7- Observe your modified diet, with your healthy food substitutions. Take note of foods that may still be lacking in nutrients.

8- Evaluate the overall nutritional value of these new foods and consider what is most important in your diet.

Tips & Warnings!

  • Whenever possible, eat fresh foods and avoid processed foods.
  • Eliminate soda from your diet, drink more water.
  • Be aware of how to prepare your food. Avoid frying them. Bake or steam cooker whenever possible. Raw fruits and vegetables are the best.
  • Instead of salt, use herbs and spices to season foods.
  • Consider whey protein supplements to make up for lack of nutrients.


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