Menu hypocaloric | Plan to Make a Low Calorie Menu!

Menu hypocaloric.

The key to a successful diet is to burn more calories than you consume, and a moderately active adult consumes about 2,200 calories a day.

Menu hypocaloric
Menu hypocaloric

Regular exercise is just as important as eating right, and when you do dieting, the goal is not that you starve yourself, it will only lead you to a slower rate of metabolism or a propensity to overeat later. But eating sensible portions of healthy, low-calorie foods will fill you with no excess salt, sugar or fat.

Here are some low calorie but healthy low calorie menus in the range of 1,200-1,800!

At breakfast.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but many people also eat breakfast with high fat and sugar, when in fact you should eat more protein and fiber. Some breakfast options are:

  • 1/2 cup oats (150 calories).
  • 1 banana (105 calories).
  • 2 eggs, on medium heat (180 calories).
  • 1 tortilla or 2 thin slices of whole wheat bread (120-150 calories).

Mid-morning snack.

  • A small handful of almonds, about 14 pieces (90 calories).
  • Fat-free Yogurt (60-90 calories).
  • An apple or a small cup of fruit mixed in water (50 to 70 calories).


  • Grilled Chicken Breast, 4 oz (120 calories).
  • 2 slices whole wheat bread (150 calories).
  • One leaf lettuce and 2 slices of tomato (15 calories).
  • 1 cup green beans and other vegetables (20 to 60 calories).
  • One quesadilla (1 tortilla with two ounces of shredded cheddar cheese, 250 calories).
  • 1 serving of noodles with chicken soup (120 calories).


  • 1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese (100 calories).
  • Any fresh fruit or vegetables (50 to 100 calories).
  • Fat-free Yogurt (60-90 calories).
  • Granola cereal bar (90 calories).


  • 1 cup of pasta (200 calories).
  • Spaghetti Sauce (100 calories).
  • 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese (20 calories).
  • 1 cup steamed vegetables or small (or low-calorie) salad.
  • 1 steak (6.8 oz, 336 to 448 calories).
  • 1 bagel (100 calories).
  • 1 cup steamed vegetables or small salad (80 to 100 calories).
  • 1 salmon fillet (6 ounces, 350 calories).
  • 1 baked potato (128 calories).
  • Some butter (20 calories).

This low calorie diet is a menu that will help you lose weight fast and healthy way.

You have to know the program that helped me burn fat quickly and smoothly; if you want to lose weight already! CLICK HERE to know my review of this program.

I also invite you to see the testimonials of success of people who managed to lose weight with this method!.

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